- Member of the program committees of more than hundred scientific conferences and workshops with emphasis on flagship conferences of the IEEE Communications Society, European activities in networked systems, venues on self-organizing systems, and workshops in robotics/drones and sensor networks.
- Founder and co-organizer of Lakeside Research Days—a special format of an interdisciplinary one-week workshop with invited guests and emphasis on discussion, group work, scientific interaction, and social events. Co-chaired this event on various topics in Klagenfurt since 2008.
- Member of the working group Network Intelligence — The future of networking (NET-IT) of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) (founded in 2018)
- Area Editor for ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (2005–2014)
- Member of the organizing committee (TPC/tutorial/track/etc chair) of various conferences and workshops, including Intern. Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SPASWIN), European Wireless, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC), ACM MobiCom, and IEEE Intern. Conf. on Sensor and Ad Hoc Commun. and Networks (SECON).
- Member of the working group Mobility and IP (#5.2.4) of the German ITG (since 2001)
- Steering board member of the ESF-funded program MiNEMA (2006–2009)
- Engagement in the management and self-administration of university:
- Elected member of the senate in Klagenfurt (2006–2009, 2010–2013)
- Chairman or vice-chairman of several search committees
- Member of curricula boards
- Student member of the department’s board at TU Munich
- Project reviewer for the European Commission (about 100 project proposals), German Research Foundation (DFG), Swiss NSF, and Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).