- GSM – Architecture, Protocols, and Services (German version)
- Mobility Modeling, Connectivity, and Adaptive Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks
- Edited: Self-Organizing Systems
- Chapter in Towards 4G Technologies: Services with Initiative
- Chapter in Technologies for the Wireless Future, Volume 2
- Chapters in Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications
Self-Organizing Systems
Edited by Christian Bettstetter and Carlos Gershenson
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS) held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in February 2011. The nine revised full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully selected from 25 initial submissions. It was the 5th workshop in a series of multidisciplinary events dedicated to self-organization in networked systems with main focus on communication and computer networks. The papers address theoretical aspects of self-organization as well as applications in communication and computer networks and robot networks.
Publisher: Springer
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
ISBN: 978-3-642-19166-4
Release: February 2011
Further information can be obtained at the Springer Website.
GSM – Architecture, Protocols, and Services
Written by Jörg Eberspächer, Hans-Jörg Vögel, Christian Bettstetter, and Christian Hartmann.
Third Edition.
GSM is the world’s most commonly used technology for wireless communication. Taking an instructive approach to the topic, this book gives special emphasis to system architecture and protocol aspects, ranging from addressing concepts through mobility management to network management. The fully updated, third edition of the book is both an introductory textbook for graduate students as well as a reference resource for telecommunications engineers and researchers. Special features include a detailed chapter on the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) as well as descriptions of EDGE and multimedia messaging (MMS).
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-470-03070-7
Release: December 2008 (3rd edition)
Further information about the book, including a table of contents and sample chapters, are available at the Website of the publisher. Wiley Interscience also offers an electronic version of the book for immediate download.
Towards 4G Technologies: Services with Initiative
This book provides a comprehensive explanation of future networking and service delivering technologies for next generation mobile systems. The authors explain how personalization, mobile middleware, peer-to-peer services, semantic computing, and content-awareness fit into this new concept and why they will become a necessity for future mobile services. The book presents the latest challenges and opportunities of next generation mobile systems, explaining new paradigms of service provisioning that include flexible and adaptable services. The book is intended for telecoms engineers in R&D departments, CTOs, and telecoms managers as well as academic researchers in electrical, electronic engineering, and telecommunications.
The chapter Mobile Communication Networks (Chapter 2, pp. 17-50) was written by Christian Prehofer, Christian Bettstetter, and Jörg Widmer. It explains current wireless technologies and networking techniques at a glance and describes recent trends in next-generation IP-based networks, ad hoc networking, and programmable networks.
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-470-01031-0
Release: April 2008
Detailed information can be obtained at Wiley’s Website, which offers excerpts and an online e-book version of each individual chapter.
Technologies for the Wireless Future, Volume 2
The second volume of the highly successful “Book of Visions” by the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) is a unique and timely book, presenting up-to-the-minute ideas and trends in mobile communications. This is a comprehensive single point of reference, focusing on the specifications and requirements of 4G and identifying potential business models, the research areas and required spectrum and enabling technologies. Comprising material from white papers edited within the working expert groups as well as those from the vision committee of WWRF, a top-down approach has been adopted starting from perceived users requirements and their expectations in the future wireless world.
The chapter Self-Organization in Communication Networks (Chapter 9, pp. 423-452) was edited by Amardeo Sarma, Christian Bettstetter, and Sudhir Dixit. It explains various aspects of autoconfiguration and selforganization in communication networks.
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-470-02905-3
Release: June 2006
Further information about this book is available at Wiley’s Website, which offers excerpts and an online e-book version of each individual chapter.
Mobility Modeling, Connectivity, and Adaptive Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks
Written by Christian Bettstetter
Ad hoc networking is an emerging technology for wireless communication, where mobile devices communicate with each other in a self-organized, peer-to-peer manner. This technology can be used, for example, to establish wireless networks among vehicles or sensors. This PhD thesis investigates the modeling of mobility in ad hoc networks, gives contributions to the theoretical understanding of topology properties, and studies the design and performance of distributed algorithms used for dynamic clustering.
Publisher: Herbert Utz Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-8316-0397-8
Release: September 2004
The table of contents and sample chapters are available from the Website of the publisher. The book can also be obtained from Amazon.de.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications
In approximately 300 articles written by experts in their fields, the Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications provides a broad, clear overview of both the fundamentals of and recent advances in telecommunications. Topics include optical communications, modulation and demodulation, coding and decoding, communication networks, and antennas. This essential reference is available in print (five volumes) and online formats.
The following chapters were written by Christian Bettstetter and Christian Hartmann:
- GSM Digital Cellular Communication System
- General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 978-0-471-36972-1
Release: December 2002
Online versions of each chapter of this encyclopedia (last update September 2008) are available at Wiley Interscience. Additional information about the print version can be found at Wiley’s Website.
Global System for Mobile Communications. Vermittlung, Dienste und Protokolle in digitalen Mobilfunknetzen.
Written by Jörg Eberspächer, Hans-Jörg Vögel, Christian Bettstetter
Das Buch stellt auf der Grundlage der europäischen Standards die technischen Grundlagen und die Systemarchitektur von GSM vor. Dabei liegen die Schwerpunkte auf der Darstellung der Protokolle, der Mobilvermittlungstechnik und der Dienstrealisierung. Die wichtigsten Prinzipien der GSM-Übertragungstechnik werden ebenfalls behandelt. Die erweiterte und aktualisierte dritte Auflage enthält zusätzlich eine ausführliche Beschreibung des General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) und weiterer Dienste der Phase 2+. Behandelt werden ausserdem die verbesserten Sprachcodecs (AMR), Dienste zur Gruppenkommunikation, Location-Based Services und Diensteplattformen (CAMEL, SAT). Ausführlich wird auch auf das Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) eingegangen. Den Abschluss bildet ein aktueller Überblick zum Stand der Entwicklung der dritten Mobilfunkgeneration UMTS/IMT-2000. Angesprochen sind Studierende der Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik und Informatik von Universitäten und Fachhochschulen, Anwender und Praktiker aus der Industrie, von Netzbetreibern und aus der Forschung, die sich einen fundierten Einblick in die Funktionsweise des komplexen Systems GSM verschaffen wollen und vor allem am Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Funktionen interessiert sind.
Publisher: Teubner
ISBN: 3-519-26192-8
Release: January 2001
The book can be obtained from Amazon.de.