Selected Publications by Topic

Interference Dynamics in Wireless Networks

Contributions to wireless systems, communication theory, stochastic geometry, signals.
Goal: Understand and harness the temporal and spatial dynamics of interference in wireless networks.

Self-Organization: Principles, Synchronization, and Swarming

Contributions to distributed systems, multiagent systems, control, dynamic systems, applied maths, signal processing.
Goal: Transfer concepts from self-organized systems to engineering. Synchronize mobile networked systems in a self-organized way. Work on a common model for sync and swarm.

Drones: Communications and Path Planning

Contributions to robotics, wireless systems, multiagent systems, autonomous systems, AI, multimedia.
Goal: Provide wireless connectivity and coordination for multidrone systems.

Industrial Sensor Networks

Contributions to wireless networks, sensor networks, industrial informatics, embedded systems, aerospace technology.
Goal: Provide wireless connectivity of embedded sensors in industrial environments.

Cooperative Relaying and Medium Access in Wireless Networks

Contributions to communication protocols, wireless networks, mobile computing, sensor networks.

Connectivity in Ad Hoc Networks

Contributions to wireless networks, network theory, random graphs, modeling.
Goal: Understand the graph properties of multihop wireless networks.

Mobility Modeling and Node Distributions

Contributions to modeling and simulation, wireless networks, stochastic processes.

Adaptive Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks

Contributions to distributed algorithms, wireless networks.

Cellular Networks and Mobile Internet

Survey contributions to mobile networks, Internet.

Channel Coding

Contributions to communication theory, coding theory.