“Research and cultural diversity widened my horizons.”
Pasquale Grippa recently completed his doctorate in technical sciences. He spoke to us about his research focus—improving autonomous transport systems with the help of artificial intelligence.
Pasquale Grippa recently completed his doctorate in technical sciences. He spoke to us about his research focus—improving autonomous transport systems with the help of artificial intelligence.
What has travelled by road to reach us until now could be delivered by drones in the future. This has many advantages: Poor rural transport infrastructure or persistent congestion in large cities can be bypassed. In 2013, Amazon was among the first to announce the intention to deliver goods using small autonomous drones. But when might this technology truly become part of our daily lives? Drone researcher Pasquale Grippa provides some answers.
A multidisciplinary team at the University of Klagenfurt is due to deliver initial insights on the efficient operation of a drone-based delivery network. Doctoral student Pasquale Grippa will present the results at the Robotics: Science and Systems event taking place at MIT this week.
It was an honor and pleasure of visiting the Center for Aerial Robotics Research and Education (CARRE) in Toronto. I gave a talk on wireless communication and job selection for drones and discussed research topics with many awesome colleagues.
Disruption, simplification, and style are some ingredients of German mobility startups that I find particularly interesting.
Samira Hayat from my team told her personal story at this year’s TED event at CERN and reported on our research activities in the field of multi-drone systems.
The autonomous drone system developed by Lakeside Labs and U Klagenfurt is one of «15 novel ideas for 2015» featured by the WIRED magazine. Max Biederbeck interviewed Samira Hayat, PhD student in the research team. Here are some extracts from this interview translated into English. Photos by Gene Glover. I learned at the dentist what people think about my work. The scene took place during my last visit home to Pakistan. My father had accompanied me to the doctor’s office, and while I was treated, he began to tell. “My daughter does research in Europe,” he told the dentist. “At a university in Austria, and she works with drones.” When the dentist heard the last word, he played his surprise with a laugh and said, “I hope she does not work for the Bad.” Phrases like these accompany my work. With my chosen profession, I’ve broken some taboos. My friends at home gave me the nickname of “rebel.” It really was a daily struggle: A Pakistani woman who is an engineer and researcher at drones; …
Aerial delivery services using small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been proposed by major online retailers, logistics companies, and startups. An interdisciplinary project team at the University of Klagenfurt aims at contributing to the architectural setup and decentralized control of such future systems.